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@jdh525 about yourself
It was either this or write a book telling my fucked up life story.! I'm a 2 time cancer survivor since the age of 27 (larnyx and lung)not a smoker(end the stigma please)! I am a full time single mom who does it all! I have a high profile career so would like to keep things on the down low. As a result of aggressive radiation to my neck, chemo treatments and surgeries, I recently underwent a total laryngectomy in order to live I have the ability to speak, but do talk and breathe out of a hole in my neck. This has been both life changing and traumatizing for me. It’s been over two years since I have been with a man.I work harder than anyone I know. I’m usually I’m doing home projects on my house when not working or doing things for my 3 girls + 1 granddaughter. I am a gym addict, and can be pretty funny. I'm here to share my life, my ink, + my body which has been thru hell and back. I’m here to inspire, talk, share private moments, pics + vids and first and foremost pay medical bills
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